TPATAX01 Hacha Tops Atax Hand Axe.
Tops Atax Hand Axe. 5 1/2" overall. 4 1/2" 1095 carbon steel axe head with black traction coating. Gray micarta handle. Black Kydex sheath with metal clips. Use as an axe, knife, skinner, wire cutter, range finder, compass, inclinometer, clock, wrench, hammer, rescue tool, survival kit holder, a fire bow bearing, an arrow launcher and a field level. Comes with instructional DVD.
Country of Origin: USA
TPATAX01 Hacha Tops Atax Hand Axe.
Tops Atax Hand Axe. 5 1/2” overall. 4 1/2” 1095 carbon steel axe head with black traction coating. Gray micarta handle. Black Kydex sheath with metal clips. Use as an axe, knife, skinner, wire cutter, range finder, compass, inclinometer, clock, wrench, hammer, rescue tool, survival kit holder, a fire bow bearing, an arrow launcher and a f…
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